Printer Central

Printer Reviews and Shopping Guide

Why Choose Us?

Worldwide, computers are becoming an everyday part of people's lives. If you've ever had a problem with your computer, you'll know that most individuals have no idea where to begin the troubleshooting process.Even if we could call the technical support phone number that came with the computer, we don't really know what we're going to get. Getting a specialist on the line can take a long time, and if you do, there is no guarantee that the person you speak with will know how to fix your problem.Because I used to work in a computer support contact center, I can attest to this. There are certain people who can fool you into thinking they're a technician! The only pre-qualifying knowledge required for most new hires is the ability to navigate the current Windows OS.If you can get around Windows, management believes you can figure out how to go around the database. It's easy for a call center agent to get off track when trying to locate a solution that hasn't been documented yet.My own experience has shown that help desk positions were assigned primarily on political considerations rather than technical expertise. In the end, our help desk was staffed by a bunch of dummies. After a few phone calls, you will come to the conclusion that you have a better chance of succeeding on your own than you would if you were to rely on the support systems.